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Dolibarr Connector Released

 We are happy to announce the release of the initial version of our Magento plugin Dolibarr Connector. This plugin can be used to connect Magento ver. 2.4.6-p1 with Dolibarr 19.0.1 ERP. Using real-time API data transfers, the Dolibarr Connector provides real-time transfer of data from your Magento to your back-office ERP.




By composer (strongly recommended)

Step 1: Install

In SSH, from your site root, run the following commands:

composer require devvibes/module-dolibarr-connector

php bin/magento module:enable Devvibes_Dolibarr

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento cache:clean

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

If your site is in production mode, you will need to run these commands to recompile:

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

These commands should load and install the latest extension package.



Open your Admin Panel and go to Admin > Stores > Settings > Configuration and open the

‘Devvibes’ section


Enter the Dolibarr API keys and the ID of the warehouse created in Dolibarr. We can create a new user and the API key will be displayed for the user in the modify user screen.


We can create a or view warehouse in Dolibarr.


In the Dolibarr give permission for the API user for Third Parties, Sales Orders, Products, Stocks
and Shipments APIs.


